Known problems in Version 1

Please check this page before reporting a problem, etc., in case it has already been addressed.


  • The main issue to be aware of is that when you update RIMMF, it may overwrite modifications to the default tables; by this we mean changes made to the Elements, Vocabularies, and Terms using the editors via the 'Edit' menu.
  • This warning does not apply to Elements, Vocabularies and/or Terms that you add yourself using the above-mentioned editing tools, or to any changes you may make to user-created entries in these tables at a later time. The warning applies only to the distributed data.

Other problems

  • If the program does not start when you double-click on its icon, try this: Go to your My Documents\RIMMF folder and delete the .ini files that are there. Then try to start the program again.
  • The RIMMF 'R-Tree' has a few quirks that are going need to be addressed at some time, but as none are a quick fix, I cannot say when they will be resolved. For more details ...
  • The forms for the Element editor and Vocabulary editor may not display as designed in Windows 7 Aero.

Not problems, but noted

RIMMF does not (or attempt to) solve problems, issues, questions, regarding how RDA is to be encoded and/or used in a non-MARC environment.

We are still learning and experimenting with other data formats.

We are still learning about FRBR and RDA!

Everytime we use RIMMF we have another idea that we would like to add to it.

rimmf1/problemsin1.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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