Release 20240720

+ Updated R-Tree so that it no longer includes 'Identifier for the [entity]' links

+ Adds (automatic) support to the import module for RDA Lexical Alias; previously the program assumed RDA data would (always) use the opaque Id properties

Release 20240718

+ This update remedies some confusion (in the program's mind) between nomenStrings and nomen Uris, and how they function in entity relationships

+ Also, some work in progress:

  1. Support for RDA Resources (W-E-M) in a single container
  2. Support for using RIMMF to create SKOS Concepts and SKOS ConceptSchemes

Please report bugs to: rick@rimmf.com

Release 20240312

+ This release adds data to each entity record so that elements will be reloaded in the order that they were last saved. This has been an issue ever since RIMMF4.

This has not been an issue for templates/profiles created by the program.

If loading an entity record into a template, the order of the elements in the template will be the order that is preferred

+ a small (80 bytes) memory leak has been fixed

Release 20240221

+ Supports RDA Registry update 5.0.19 (relased Jan. 3, 2024)

+ This update fixes a bug that caused statements to 'double-up' in the record editor.

+ This update changes the way the program loads data from files. In the past, data encoding was assumed to be either escaped-unicode or UTF-8; bytes from the higher blocks of legacy encodings (like ISO-8859-X) could cause silent exceptions. Now, encoding is tested first, and the default unicode loader is invoked only if the encoding test indicates it.

+ This update adds support for importing vocabulary schemes from plain text files (created in tabular form, using program's like Microsoft's Excel, for example). If the file meets the crieria (see the 'Import VES' wiki article for details), the data will be converted to SKOS, and the resulting file can be imported in the usual manner.

Release 20240220

+ Fixes a problem with the program displaying incorrect names for application profiles

+ Changes the behavior of a feature that notifies the user when a more specific agent element should be used for a relationship. This is now a dialog (OK/Cancel) rather than a simple pop-up

+ Regarding the above, the program ignored any existing element hierarchy in the template when switching to a more specific element, thus corrupting the order of the elements. This has been fixed

+ When editing an AP, clicking on the VES column will now display a list of imported VES that are available.

Release 20240219

+ Changes to support VES imports

  1. automatic conversion of .rdfxml to .nt
  2. automatic conversion of UTF-8 to escaped unicode
  3. automatic analysis of import file (properties and languages used in a file)
  4. option to change an import’s preferred lang code
  5. option to turn off the @definition requirement

The details are available on the RIMMF6 wiki in the topic “Importing VES”

Release 20240216

+ Preview of update for VES Import (details to come in next release)

Release 20231220

+ This update supports importing VES into the RIMMF environment.

+ Imported VES can be linked to elements using a template's application profile.

Details and requirements for the above will be found on the RIMMF6 wiki


+ A new option named “Link to other entity” has been added to the Relationship editor (F5). This may be used to enter a URI and label for an object outside of RIMMF.

Release 20231122

+ RIMMF was not correctly checking templates to see if they contained customized AP properties, and thus displayed default or empty values in their place. Fixed.

Release 20231117

+ There was a problem in the language options: the label/definition 'style' selected by the user was observed only in English. Fixed.

+ A small progress screen now appears as soon as the program starts.

Release 20231026

+ This releases merges templates and the application profiles introduced recently. The properties specific to application profiles can now be accessed/modified in any template.

For more info: https://rimmf.com/w/doku.php?id=rimmf6:start#application_profiles

+ The license for RIMMF6 is now Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Previously it was Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0

+ RIMMF6 takes about 3 seconds to start-up (or longer depending on the EI size). A visual cue for this processing has been added (one dot equals about one second).

Release 20231013

+ Added View options for application profiles and fixed a few problems with regard to restoring the default view for a document type (the current document types are: record, template, profile, and provenance)

+ Running this update will delete any saved view options. Hopefully this will be the last update that needs to do this.

+ Updated the elements distributed with the program to RDA Registry 5.0.17

Release 20231007

+ This update previews an interface for creating an editing an Application Profile. To access this preview, select File}Open|Application Profile|[RDA Entity] from the main menu. As this module develops, documentation will be added to the wiki.

+ Refactoring of the 'Ap Builder Profiles' is complete and updated documentation is available on the RIMMF6 wiki: https://rimmf.com/w/doku.php?id=rimmf6:start

+ When making a new entity record (from a template), RIMMF inserted the template filename as an additional RDA Identifier. This annoyance has been removed.

+ Bug: an open record or template form that was minimized could not be restored. Fixed. Note: Every form has a “Windows” item on the main menu–use this to restore a hidden form

+ This version begins to convert RIMMF 'opaque' property Ids to lexical Ids. To prefer the former syntax, open the options,ini and set “supportRimmfLexicalUris” to “F” (False)

Release 20230920

+ Removed some obsolete menu options

Release 20230916

+ Refactored the AP Builder profiles. Details on configuring the ap builder will be added to the wiki, shortly. In the interim this update fixes the problem with 'automatic' mode not working.

Release 20230915

+ Fixes corrupt RIMMF6 AP Builder templates

+ Automatically corrects older templates created with the wrong namespace for the RDF container membership property (See the release notes for update #20230719 below).

Release 20230902

NOTE: Currently Nomen entities are not added to the EI. To access a previously created Nomen, use one of the following methods: open the Appellation Index and set the Entity filter to 'Nomen'; click on an appellation string that links to a Nomen in a resource record; use the 'Re-open' menu if the Nomen is in the list of recent records.

+ Disabled the option to create an 'Empty template for Nomen' (temporary

Release 20230901

+ Fixes a bug that prevents a new install from making/changing a data folder

Release 20230719

This release fixes a number of bugs and shortcomings:

+ Doubleclicking on a Url in an editable cell was awkward–as the initial click would invoke an in-place editor. Doubleclicking should now directly launch the browser.

+ There was a small but critical typo in the URIs of each template ('rdfs' was used instead of 'rdf'). Fixed.

+ The EI would ignore clicks on entries that had lost the link to their diskfile. Although it will still not allow opening such entries, it will now allow them to be deleted.

+ Adding an option on the EI menu to “Rebuild EI”. This process can repair an index that is missing entries, corrupted, etc.

+ Object values that were quoted in the incoming RDF may not have been re-quoted correctly in exported triples. Fixed.

+ The Appellation Index (AI) was not being cached, and thus, it would appear empty most of the time! Fixed.

+ A help page on 'Filtering the AI' has been added to the AI menu.

+ The caption of the checkbox on the “Import records” tool has been changed from “Open” to “External data”. (Check this box when importing data not created by RIMMF. Uncheck it when importing any version of RIMMF data)

+ The following view customizations (if present) will be reset to their defaults when this update is installed: EI, AI, and R-Tree.

On the plus side, this release includes:

+ Support for RDA Registry release 5.0.13

+ Detection of RIMMF4 data folders (with guidance to ease their integration with RIMMF6).

Release 20230615

+ Test of install script

Release 20230614

+ When importing external records RIMMF assigned its own identifer as the primary label for the record, even when an Appellation element or nomenString was present. This would be evident if viewing the EI or links to Nomen records. (Once the record was opened in RIMMF and saved, though, the problem would be automatically corrected). The importer now uses the same code as the editor to determine the 'best appellation' to use.

+ Added option to show/hide the recently added Nomen screen hint

+ Minor design changes to show/hide menu options

+ 'Make default for …' the provenance view type did not work for all view options. Fixed

+ The problems with the 'Rebuild EI' tool should now be over.

Release 20230612

+ Changed the behavior of 'Create new Nomen' slightly: when this function is invoked (either by pressing F5 or by right-clicking an Appellation string), the program now copies the Appellation string to the NomenString of the new Nomen record.

+ When the mouse is dragged over an Appellation string that has been 'nomenized', the Nomen record will pop-up briefly as a screen tip. (TO DO: I will add an option to toggle this behavior to the View|Show/Hide menu).

+ When importing a block of ntriples representing multiple resources (i.e. subjects), RIMMF discards triples for which no RDA 'rdf#type' has been defined. This makes sense for an application that deals exclusively with RDA. However, when the “Open” switch is activated, an import will now attempt to determine the RDA class/entity by entailment.

Release 20230607

+ There was a typo in our URL in 20230606 which pretty much broke everything. Fixed. Sorry!

Release 20230606

+ Removed two duplicate provenance templates–F12 now immediately spawns the default provenance. Of course you can customize another provenance template if you prefer.

+ The “Rebuild EI” utility was not working correctly (or at all). Fixed. Also, added some brief help to the EI “Help” menu on this topic.

+ Attempting to run multiple RIMMF instances was generating a problem in the original instance. That should be fixed now.

Release 20230601

Minor changes

+ Added a context menu item to browse to the Toolkit page of the focused element (since, if the 'RDA Toolkit Id' column is not being displayed, there is no straightforward way to do this). The laabel of the new menu item is 'Toolkit page (rdatoolkit.org)' and the shortcut key is F3.

+ Added the RDA Registry version number to the 'Search RDA Registry' menu item label (primarily to clarify what is being searched). The shortcut for this is Ctrl-F1; it works in any context.

Release 20230511

+ Updates the element set used by RIMMF6 to Rda Registry 5.0.7

+ Adds an option to the 'View' menu–'Show Unknown Properties'–that supports the display (or non-display) of triples not based on RDA elements. In this case, the property Uri will appear in the 'RDA Label' column.

Note: as RIMMF only 'understands' RDA statements, an RDA element Id had to be assigned to the forementioned triples so that they could be addressed by the app; for this purpose we used rdau:P60936–'Note on resource'.

Release 20230502

+ Fixes a problem with “Change data folder” that appears after importing records

Release 20230429

+ Adds option to allow import of non-RIMMF source data (assuming that data is well=formed RDA). The option is labelled 'Open' and appears at the bottom of the 'Import' form

Release 20230325

+ An A/V was tripped if a record contained many relationships and the display was too narrow to show a 'WEMI link' for all. Fixed

Release 20230322

+ Adds an option to show/hide deprecated vocabulary terms in dropdown menus

+ Fixes a bug in the routine that harvests the provenance triples for a statement–which unfortunately had the side-effect of preventing records from ever being published at the end of a session

Release 20221207

Release for D.

Release 20220401

+ RIMMF6 first attempt

Release 20210421

+ Fixed this option (for Manifestation) in the Document menu: 'Export all records in set'

Release 20210309

+ The Alternate labels seem to get out of sync after an update; this release hopes to fix that problem (by replacing RIMMF Ids with opaque Ids in the alt label table)

To activate this fix:

  • update to 20210309,
  • start RIMMF4,
  • goto Options|Setup|Setup alternate labels
  • [check your options]
  • press Save

You will only need to do this once.

+ Minor change to add the <Ctrl-H> shortcut (which surfaces the RIMMF main menu) to other forms (EI, AI, RTree)

+ Note: this release disables the “Data folder edit” utility, which is currently under construction–it will be re-enabled shortly.

Release 20210304

+ Changed R-Tree column header from “heading” to “appellation”

Release 20210228

+ A few minor bug fixes and tweaks to the linking interface (F5)

Release 20210214

+ Added an option to export a “record set” in Excel .csv format

+ Added a header to files exported as .csv so that Excel will load the diacritics correctly; if not using Excel, or this is not wanted, go into the options.ini and set “AddBOMForExcelCsv” to “F” (False).

+ Registry supported updated to 4.0.3 (although there are no substantive changes for RIMMF)

Release 20201228

+ Minor table updates to bring R4 up to date with RDA Registry 4.0.2

Release 20201118

+ Adds support for RDA Registry release 4.0.0

Release 20201020

+ Fixes a problem with entering a user value (ie a value not in the vocabulary) for Language of Expression

+ Updates the internet component used by RIMMF

Release 20201010

+ Internal version

Release 20200928

+ The 'Dig' button on the RTree form was being disabled prematurely

+ RTree digs were taking a long time on larger data folders (that still might happen, but this release will definitely speed things up)

+ Introduces an option named 'Copy element to …' on the indicator menu. This option becomes active when two (or more) records are open. It automates the copying of data from one record to another (including backlinks, where applicable)

Release 20200926

+ Many changes made to address problems with backlinks and corresponding problems with the RTree

+ Smarter agent link processing has been introduced. For example, if, in a Work, one adds an element such as 'Creator Agent, then presses F5 to 'create new Person', the program will automatically flip the Work element to 'Creator Person'

+ Record cloning now allows the user to specify which relationships they want to 'keep'

+ As a reminder to complete an access point, the qualifier '(clone)' is added to the title caption of cloned records (until an AP is created)

+ Stale links (links that can no longer be resolved) now display in a different font-style than resolvable links

Release 20200921

+ Test of new 8-digit release Ids

Release 200912

+ Fixes a recently introduced bug whereby inverse links were sometimes not being cleared

+ Labels for linked entities should now be dynamically updated

+ RTrees should now be complete without the need to save open records first

Release 200901

+ Marks beginning of experimental work on two new options: - EIO support (entity index online) - Edit tracking support at the element level

(If/when either of these things become stable, they will be turned on in RIMMF4.

Release 200826

+ Adds support for RDA Registry 3.5.1 which was recently released. For info:


Release 200824

+ Vocabulary term lists were missing a few changes and have been updated

+ Fixed a (stubborn) problem with records suffering a loss of their identity–the symptom would be that the entity column of the EI would say 'Undefined'; or opening a record would display a gray border instead of the expected color shade the program uses to distinguish an entity.

+ Data folder loading time has been improved tenfold (though you might only notice this on a large data folder)

+ the tool that displays all of the RDA Registry data for an element has been streamlined. Its is now dubbed 'Element properties'; pressing '<Ctrl>-P' launches the tool for the currently selected element.

+ Removed a prompt to 'Save the record' when nothing apparently was changed. This was caused by labels for links being updated behind the scenes when a record was loaded into the editor.

Release 200823

+ 5 test

Release 200808

+ Fixes a problem with vocabulary terms (introduced in last week's update, 200802). A symptom would be when editing an element linked to a VES, a Uri would appear in the dropdown instead of the corresponding label.

Release 200802

+ minor changes to the 'Remote EI' experiment

Release 200801

+ In nomen records, the program defaulted to taking the appellation from hte RIMMF Identifier instead of the nomenstring. Fixed.

Release 200708

+ minor changes

Release 200609

+ Work on the alternate labels option changed the behavior of the 'language and labels' option so that it required a restart to take effect. Its back to the way it was now (no restart required).

+ Changed the level at which the Structured element list (F7) opens using the new 'Poly' (polyhierarchical subproperties) option

Release 200608

+ Final changes to the alternate labels options and help page

Release 200607

+ Fixes a problem that occurs when records are dragged from one data folder to another (in windows). The symptom is: doubleclicking on the record in the EI doesn't open it

+ Small improvement to the display of blank nodes in the RDF view (to make it easier to figure out what they are talking about)

Release 200606

+ Updates internal logic to follow 'work manifested / manifestation of work' relationships when displaying all of the records in a description set (This was already being done in the R-Tree, but not in the 'List all records in set' option)

Release 200605

+ The changes being made to the alternate labels process should now be almost complete.

The help file has been rewritten to reflect these changes. In addition, alternate labels will now be applied without requiring the program to restart.

Release 200602

+ Hides the option to display unconstrained labels for RDA templates. If for some reason this functionality is needed, email us and we'll tell you how to enable it.

+ The 'Dig' button in the RTree was not responding. Fixed

+ Changes to remoteEI import

+ Minor change to the default display level for 'polyhierarchical' element lists

Release 200601

+ Fixes a bug in 'Tools|Import'. The symptom would be that one of the records (probably the first) included in an import would be assigned a random RDA entity.

+ Adds an option to implement 'Unconstrained' labels (and definitions) on the 'Setup language and labels' form. This option is experimental.

+ On the 'Setup alternate labels' form, an option to apply a capitalization choice (or not) to all of the labels being imported has been added. Still in progress: improvements to the interface and help on that form.

Release 200522

+ Removes an obsolete message from one of the export dialogs

+ Adds an option form to support Remote EI Authorization

Release 200519

+ Standardizes the various options in the program that support exporting records (EI, RTree, RDA record set), and adds a 'Help' file to the corresponding dialogs

Release 200518

+ In many cases, clicking 'poly' (ie. polyhierarchical) would not expand the list of elements to include the expected subclass properties. Fixed.

Release 200517

+ Initial support for “polyhierarchical” element views when pressing F7 while editing ('Structured element list')

+ Initial support for permitting the AP Builder to fetch attributes from the ap profiles of other entities in the WEMI stack of the source record (via the '++' button)

+ When editing a template the window banner contained repeated filenames. Fixed

+ When editing a template, 'File|Save As' would generate an A/V the second time it was pressed. Fixed

Release 200515

+ Updates the templates distributed with the program (user-generated templates are preserved)

Release 200509

+ Fixes an issue caused when a record is linked to itself. (The fix being to prevent this from happening)

+ The list that displayed when pressing 'F5|Link to EI' was inaccurate (it contained unrelated entities). Fixed.

+ Links from Manifestation to Work are now included on the 'WEMI Links' toolbar

Release 200506

+ rename 'access point index' to 'appellation index'

+ rename column called 'heading' to 'value' in the above

+ replace element uri with element label in the above

+ double-click on an item in the appellation index opens it

+ five manifestation elements were excluded from the index:

name of publisher
name of producer
name of distributor
name of manufacturer
title of series

Release 200505

+ Fixes an issue caused by an experimental option getting into the last release

RIMMF wiki and download: http://www.rimmf.com/wiki

Release 20230615

+ Test of install script

Release 20230614

+ When importing external records RIMMF assigned its own identifer as the primary label for the record, even when an Appellation element or nomenString was present. This would be evident if viewing the EI or links to Nomen records. (Once the record was opened in RIMMF and saved, though, the problem would be automatically corrected). The importer now uses the same code as the editor to determine the 'best appellation' to use.

+ Added option to show/hide the recently added Nomen screen hint

+ Minor design changes to show/hide menu options

+ 'Make default for …' the provenance view type did not work for all view options. Fixed

+ The problems with the 'Rebuild EI' tool should now be over.

Release 20230612

+ Changed the behavior of 'Create new Nomen' slightly: when this function is invoked (either by pressing F5 or by right-clicking an Appellation string), the program now copies the Appellation string to the NomenString of the new Nomen record.

+ When the mouse is dragged over an Appellation string that has been 'nomenized', the Nomen record will pop-up briefly as a screen tip. (TO DO: I will add an option to toggle this behavior to the View|Show/Hide menu).

+ When importing a block of ntriples representing multiple resources (i.e. subjects), RIMMF discards triples for which no RDA 'rdf#type' has been defined. This makes sense for an application that deals exclusively with RDA. However, when the “Open” switch is activated, an import will now attempt to determine the RDA class/entity by entailment.

Release 20230607

+ There was a typo in our URL in 20230606 which pretty much broke everything. Fixed. Sorry!

Release 20230606

+ Removed two duplicate provenance templates–F12 now immediately spawns the default provenance. Of course you can customize another provenance template if you prefer.

+ The “Rebuild EI” utility was not working correctly (or at all). Fixed. Also, added some brief help to the EI “Help” menu on this topic.

+ Attempting to run multiple RIMMF instances was generating a problem in the original instance. That should be fixed now.

Release 20230601

Minor changes

+ Added a context menu item to browse to the Toolkit page of the focused element (since, if the 'RDA Toolkit Id' column is not being displayed, there is no straightforward way to do this). The laabel of the new menu item is 'Toolkit page (rdatoolkit.org)' and the shortcut key is F3.

+ Added the RDA Registry version number to the 'Search RDA Registry' menu item label (primarily to clarify what is being searched). The shortcut for this is Ctrl-F1; it works in any context.

Release 20230511

+ Updates the element set used by RIMMF6 to Rda Registry 5.0.7

+ Adds an option to the 'View' menu–'Show Unknown Properties'–that supports the display (or non-display) of triples not based on RDA elements. In this case, the property Uri will appear in the 'RDA Label' column.

Note: as RIMMF only 'understands' RDA statements, an RDA element Id had to be assigned to the forementioned triples so that they could be addressed by the app; for this purpose we used rdau:P60936–'Note on resource'.

Release 20230502

+ Fixes a problem with “Change data folder” that appears after importing records

Release 20230429

+ Adds option to allow import of non-RIMMF source data (assuming that data is well=formed RDA). The option is labelled 'Open' and appears at the bottom of the 'Import' form

Release 20230325

+ An A/V was tripped if a record contained many relationships and the display was too narrow to show a 'WEMI link' for all. Fixed

Release 20230322

+ Adds an option to show/hide deprecated vocabulary terms in dropdown menus

+ Fixes a bug in the routine that harvests the provenance triples for a statement–which unfortunately had the side-effect of preventing records from ever being published at the end of a session

Release 20221207

Release for D.

Release 20220401

+ RIMMF6 first attempt

Release 20210421

+ Fixed this option (for Manifestation) in the Document menu: 'Export all records in set'

RIMMF wiki and download: https://www.rimmf.com/w

rimmf6/changes6.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 23:05 by Rick
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